Saturday, August 16, 2008

speech outline-Secrets of success (in work environment)

 -Is success a matter of luck or effort? There are techniques and tricks which will help to be successful.
 -bringing solutions not problems to life- Plan ahead
-George W Bush: “instead of drifting along the tragedy we must set a course towards safety”.
1-character building
 -think good, keep setting goals, written goals are more effective.
 Enhance skills and stay focused. never use “try” to your boss
 -act smart-reliable, trustworthy, responsible, productivity cheerfulness etc…
2-working with others-live and let live
 -Dealing with difficult people-eg; if you feel upset and out of control leave the place just for 10 minutes.
i. -don’t respond with annoying remarks
ii. -don’t get involve in their petty disputes
iii. -don’t make official complaint
iv. -remember it won’t be just you who find him troublesome.
 -listen and be supportive
 Smile often, never ignores the funny side of life. Don’t b sarcastic!
 -get things right, always try to add value, think about “add -ons” eg: when working in a small firm, create a website if the business does not have one.
 -be ahead and creative- don’t be a “yes man”
 -Keep learning and be familiar with what is around relevant Laws
 -life is what we make out of it, a charming manner and good appearance are things people can cultivate
 -plan ahead: those who failed to plan have already planned to fail.

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